Monday, July 13, 2009

We were lucky enough to get in a family vacation to Disneyland again this summer. We had a great time.

A highlight of our trip was that we got to meet Sean Astin aka Sam from The Lord of the Rings movies. He was the nicest guy. His wife offered to take this picture of him with our family. The following day we ran into him again. This time HE noticed us and said "Hi again" When I told him that my brothers were big fans and were jealous that we met him. He asked what their names were and when I said Joe and Greg he wrote a quick hello " To Joe and Greg " I thanked him and wondered to myself who would have custody. So if you liked him before- like him more knowing what a nice guy he is.
Holden was happy to see his old friend Woody.
As you can see Holden LOVES rollercoasters as much as everyone else if not more. He laughs through the whole ride.

ok, One of the funniest parts ever of our trip was that Shannon got this Yoda back pack after going on the Star Wars ride, and as we were walking along later there was a lady who was about 20 feet away from us when she saw Shannon wearing the backpack. She just couldn't believe what she thought she saw, because she leaned over to her friend and said " Look at that baby" I guess she said it louder than she meant to because Shannon looked over at her. Then with a rather nervous look on her face she said to Shannon "Your baby is beautiful". Of course Shannon was like...what? And the lady said again with a nervous smile "You have a beautiful baby". Well I just busted out laughing because I couldn't believe the whole thing was even happening. The woman took a few steps forward to take a closer look. As soon as she realized what this "beautiful baby" really was, her expression changed to one of complete humiliation and she turned quickly without another word and hurried away from us. We laughed all the way back to our hotel. It was hilarious

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I know I did all of this stuff backwards. I forget to do the last stuff firs. Well anyway Holden recived a metal after the games were over. If you want to know how a team that lost every game gets metals, just ask me sometime.
One of the greatest moments was when Holdie caught this ball to prevent a point as he played goalie.

Holden and Kiley score a goal together!
This summer has been busy and exciting so far. The first cool thing was that Holden got to participate in the Special Olympics. He played soccer on a team called the Eagles, which was coached by Derek Price(Kiley's dad). It was so much fun Holden did great. WE had alot of fun cheering for him and the rest of the kids on the team.